
Survived the weekend

Fri-Sun 10pm - 6am was my most recent work schedule at Sinclair's. I do feel like I survived and escaped with my life. My first two days of training I made $29 and $98 in tips, but graveyard sucks ass. $5, $0, $25. You know your life is semi-fucked when you are thankful to have $25.

Back to escaping with my life. I have a feeling that I will get shot if I continue to work there. Is it worth $7.50 plus the occasional tip? As I heard on talk radio, anyone getting paid $8 an hour definitely needs that $8, the same is with me as of this moment. So around 330am Monday, these two Russian guys come in. This elderly lady Jeanne (~75) that I work with comes over to me near the register and says watch these two, their relative tried to rob us last month and they are not allowed in the store.

WTF??, so before going into work that shift, I had premonitions of getting shot. So near 330am, I hear this from my coworker, I watch these two guys, and they are just loitering near the back, then one grabs a bag of bread, wtf??? bread, then heads over to the lunch meat.. wtf???, I notice the other looks up occasionally and stares at Jeanne then looks down. So anyways, they looked faded, the end up grabbing $27 worth of stuff, including a jar of pickes.. wtf?? When he grabs the jar I assume that he got it so while I'm scanning the bread he can throw it at me... wtf??? i think I'm losing my mind.

So as he reaches in his pocket i half expect to see a gun come out. But no, it's just cash. So after these fools leave, I ask her about the robbery, she said that this friend of theirs came in on swing shift (2-10pm) and tried to hold em up with a knife, this two fillipina chicks ran em out of the store and called the cops. Since the guy lived in the neighborhood he was picked up.

Back to reality, I have a feeling that if I get shot, it won't be trying to save this old broad, but it will be cowering in a corner screaming "DON'T SHOOT ME" wtf???



Zamunda & "creux"

Zamunda rolled into town this past week to stay at his timeshare. We tried to meet up Wednesday but it didn't happen. It was a combo of me being ten minutes late, having no phone and the buffet being closed that lead us to miss each other that day. With the help of my brother, I got my phone turned back on (at least until 8/9) and called Z up Thursday.

We met up Friday at Harrah's buffet and caught up on life. Me and Z met a few years back through pokerstars. First I met scotty47 and he intro'd me to Zamunda, HairFlop and AnyAce. We all met in person for the first time back in 2004 at Orleans Hotel and we played some poker tourneys that week. All these guys are professionals and married or engaged and have kids and poker is a hobby.

I'm not sure who named us, but our little online group called itself the creux. These guys have been there with me either on the virtual rail, or for online updates etc, for my biggest poker wins in my life and conversely the largest heart breaks. Years back, the five of us played tons and tons and tons. Poker wise, the creux does not exist anymore. Even though we don't really talk near as regular as we did, but with thousands of virtual hours spent together in the past, our friendship is strong.

Back to Z, he gave me some good advice which I may incorporate into some type of entry in the future. The gist is sell the house, get out of debt, no gambool for 1 year. It is always good to see a great friend out here in Vegas. Thanks Z!

Next week AnyAce and HairFlop roll into town with their sig others. I hope to meet up but with my wak sched, it may not happen.



Auditioned at Caesars Palace poker room Thursday night. Dealt two live hands of 3-6 LHE. I was toked $1 per hand. So I have now made $2 in my new career. Maybe in September I can get work. The weeks after the WSOP seems to be a pretty dead time.


Concierto de Aranjuez - Paco de Lucia

Originally composed by Joaquin Rodrigo from Spain, sunbear turned me on to Paco de Lucia a few years back. I've literally listened to his music for hundreds of hours since then and this has to be my all time favorite. The concerto comes in three movements . . .
Allegro con spirito


Allegro gentile

The Gambler + Yu-Gi-Oh

Paul Potts Part Deux

Ultimate Nessum Dorma