
By Special Request

The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released the following video claiming that the "US is living beyond its means." David M. Walker - Comptroller General of the United States - makes a strong case, I wonder what the counter argument is like.

Things to look for in the next few days:
1. Ron Paul Blimp launches today.
2. Teaparty07 massive fundraising drive on 12/16.
3. Ron Paul on Glen Beck show for one full hour 12/18.
4. Cabbie stuff.




Candid Interview With Ron Paul

Aired on PBS in New Hampshire. Yeah yeah yeah I know I've been lagging with this shit here, but F**K IT. Watch the video.


San Diego County en Fuego

AK's wedding was great, I stayed in SD one day too long. Most of the county is on evacuation orders from the county sheriff. Many homes in Rancho Bernardo are burning on both sides of I 15. I'm heading back now before the county is on shut down.

Hopefully things will be alright, they are saying that the winds won't die for a few days so they plan on things getting worse before they get better.

P.S. Team Ron Paul crushed our last undefeated team in FF this week.


Going back to Cali.

Yes, I took the easy way out of it and named this entry after a lame ass song by Vanilla Ice or Too Short or Rob Zombie??? (Yes, I am saving 'Leaving Las Vegas' for a more appropriate post) AK is getting married, again. .. but this time it's for real. I'm firing up the 89 Camry and making the drive from NWLV to SD.

The Camry has made many 6+ hour trips before, including an impressive East Coast to West Coast Trip back in its' youth. However, this time the rules have changed. HI2LV2SD is attempting to make this trip with no spare tire, 6000 miles since the last oil change, and some minor 'back firing'.

Why take the risk? Cuz it's AK wedding and it's time to do it to it.


P.S. If the Camry returns me safely to NWLV in a few days some possible upcoming trips.
1. Durango, CO
2. Tunica, MS


It's Not Too Late

Ron Paul raised more than 5 Million dollars last quarter catching the mainstream media by surprise. It's not too late to Google Ron Paul Again.


Current Account Balance

During my daily Ron Paul Google (which includes youtube videos & news searches - SO DO IT RIGHT!) I came across the following wikipedia link which was in reference to the CIA's own "factbook".

If the price of gold continues to rise, the Desi's will be back in black before you know it.


Loonie Hits Parity

For the first time in thirty one years, the Canadian Dollar has hit parity with the American Dollar. The shit is going to hit the fan soon. Sell all your American Dollar based assets and buy gold or the Chilean Peso or Chinese Yuan.

Now I personally do not like Glenn Beck, but I saw this clip the other day and want to pass it on.


Ron Paul Sean Paul Remix

96 Hours Ago

I went to Flamingo for my call back. Seven of us total were there. I went third or fourth and didn't feel too great about my performance afterwards, meaning I didn't clearly separate myself from these fools. I could of been the top guy or second or third. One kid had experience working a little in Atlantic City, and this old guy the WSOP.

Which brings us to today, Leo said that if we receive a call Tuesday, he'll offer us the job, if we don't maybe more positions will open up in the future. More than half the day is gone, and no call - maybe this afternoon.

I worked graveyard last night, and usually I put my phone on airplane mode, but of course this time, I'm willing to wake up and see who's calling when they ring. Three calls all from collection agencies. But the point is, when it passed noon, I felt the anxiety of everyone else who did not get a call by then.



Call Back

Twice a day I clear my voice mail messages from the numerous bill collectors that feel like leaving me a daily message. But Leo from The Flamingo was on there the other day, he invited me to come back today at 1pm for a second look. A position opened up at O'Sheas and I'm in the running. Good Luck Me.

My guess is that they'll have me deal some Omaha H/L and Stud H/L or what not. The past few weeks I've been considering getting a job with my brown brothers and driving a taxi. Hopefully this goes well and I can get access to the EDR (Employee Dining Room).


Goutastic Karma

I work with this Filipino guy Ian, I mention Filipino because they, like fat hapa's, are prone to gout. When I was working a double shift last weekend (due to him calling in sick), he came hobbling in complaining about how much it hurts and yada yada yada. So when he's down and can't work, I get some of his shifts. I asked him what he was taking and he said 500mg Ibuprofen, which even the NEO-CONS know, does not work for gout. His father also has it, and that's what he takes.

Tuesday, I rolled by work to get my free thirty-two oz drink and half price chicken wings, and I brought with me some of the indomethacin that was given to me by an former coworker of mine who was prescribed that in error. Whenever I feel it coming on, I pop a few pills and it goes away. Sure, I could change my eating habits, but why would I want to do that.

Tonight I did a follow up call to see if he was working... and sure as shit, he was working. He wanted to get his hand on more pills (why wouldn't he) and since I gave him only seven, he's JONEZING for what I got. The pills I have left are definitely 'my stash' and I do not like to give them up to easily, but I had some to spare.

By medicating him I cost myself at least eight OT hours, was it worth it, NO but I've seen first hand what my karma is like (see possible future posts) so since then I've tried to do what I can to help.

*Pic is James Gillray's The Gout (but of course it is)

Mario Savio

In 1997, steps in Sproul Plaza at Cal Berkley, where he gave this speech, were renamed Mario Savio Steps. He must of said something important, maybe someone can tell me what this shit means, I came across it while googling Ron Paul videos. Wikipedia has an entry on this dude. Taken out of context it seems like gibberish, the last thirty seconds are the most famous and are known by people worldwide for this and that.

Back to Square One

By no means am I ready to give up. I've been holding out hope that I would get picked up at one of two places, Caesars or O'Sheas. Both places, I was told and I felt that I had great auditions. The excuse seems to be the same, 'no positions available at the moment, but you are welcome to call back.' So this is back to square one.

Yesterday I spoke with Chris at Caesars, which was a follow up to a follow up to a follow up conversation, in which he had not had a chance to schedule for their upcoming WPT tournament. So finally he did and he said that they were going to keep their current group of employees and try to make it through the tournament with that group.

Today was Leo's turn at Flamingo, who does the hiring for O'Sheas. Three weeks ago I auditioned with nine others, I called him a week later and told me to check back in two weeks, which was today. Nothing changed, no positions have opened up yet. He said I was welcome to call back again, so I will - I have nothing better to do. I asked him how today's auditions went (every three weeks they audition) and he said no standouts, to which I replied, "didn't I stand out three weeks ago?" and he said I have to check my notes, and I reminded him I was the "BIG" one. . . LOL.

Back to square one, which is not devastating in any way. It just makes what has to be done clearer. SB has offered to help pay some of my minimum payments on CC's, but he has his own expenses. It's just posturing. Anything to not take a second loan on the home, so it's going to be sold but I have less and less guilt about it as my dealer job situation continues to drag on.

So next week I'll get out there again and hit up some more auditions. Last round was different cuz I had no gas money, at least that is covered this time around and it can be done differently. I sold an ounce of silver to some scum bag who could smell desperation and he offered $6 and I took it. Since I'm not paying any bills (other than cell & rent) life is good with the money I take home.

Gradient forwarded me the number to IP's PRM, so they are on my list. He was told that the dealers are fighting for hours which leads me to believe that they have too many dealers for the hours being dealt, but IIWII. Once my graveyard shifts are over this weekend at Sinclair's, I'll hit it up, which is timely cuz I just put my clothes in the cleaners, so I'll be all starched up and ready to do it to it.


Michael Vick's Jury

Vick: I killed 6-8 dogs.


Easily Influenced

You know I find that I am easily influenced. Specifically regarding this Michael Vick case that's going on. I for one have always been a Vick fan, and have arranged my fantasy football teams around him to somewhat mixed success.

Initially I was pretty disgusted with his crime, but at this point, after listening to some opinions on the news, I could care less. There are too many people serving hard time for drug possession, and less time for worse crimes against humans. They are just dogs after all. I like dogs and consider myself a dog person however they are here to serve our emotional needs.

Seriously, who hasn't ripped heads of pigeons, or microwaved cats, drowned rats, fed tainted meat to animals at the zoo, stepped on baby pandas or molested meerkats.

Just a quick edit, it's not like these are my dogs or your dogs or our friends dogs ;O

Zeitgeist, The Movie

Smashing Pumpkins recently released an album with the same title. I'm watching it now and it's almost two hours long. It took me many weeks to finally sit down and watch it, and I've started it at least two other times. BUT OMG IT IS NECESSARY FOR EVERY ONE TO WATCH IT. Unless it just don't matter. It goes into religion, 9/11, and the federal reserve. I recommend just skipping to the third part for that is the least offensive.


The last third details our reasons for involvement in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I, and this current Gulf War. It is really eye opening and hard to dispute. Bottom line is that there is too much money to be made and too many personal liberties to surrender for this country to ever stop going to war.


Trying to stay up

After offering numerous times, Shortline Express Market has finally scheduled me a double shift. Since moving out here, all I've wanted to do is get to work. I assumed I would be dealing by now (more on that), but I'm stuck stocking the fridge and hoping our slot players hit Royal Flushes so I can maybe get tipped.

Normally I'd find some youtube crap and post it, but since I'm trying to stay up until 10-11am I'll give you all a lil sumfn sumfn. My schedule tomorrow is 10pm-2pm, which will get me eight hours of OT which = (immigrant + green card)/2 x 1.5!! I know all the different types of Powerade, Vitamin Water, Gatorade, Pepsi & Coke products, Arizona Teas, Beers - 40oz's, 32oz tall cans, Malt Liquors, Wines, Cigarettes blah blah blah blah blah.

As far as dealing, all my auditions have gone well, I just haven't had enough of them. It is my fault, I haven't been pounding the pavement as much as I should of. Living so far from the strip, gas is definitely a consideration. Wow, that's str8 gnarly but IIWII for now. So I spoke with the guy from Caesars, he said he'll know in a week and I spoke with the guy from Flamingo, he said call back in two weeks. If only I gave up calling the stratosphere, that's a shit job, I might as well wait for a card room that has cash games going at least some of the time, the Strat had zero games. . .

Next weekend fifteen fools from "Jeff's League" are coming out to LV for our live draft. For the second year in a row, I consider myself the 'on paper' favorite since I have Larry Johnson as a 10th round keeper and the 2nd pick in the draft. It's a QB, RB, 2 WR, TE, D, K, 2 FLEX Roto League + 7 Taxi Squad. Last year I took Reggie Bush with the 2nd pick then Vick and Culpepper on the snake. I just can't figure this league out, I've been bottom five for like five years in a row.

Anyways, I think I'll just watch some TV and hit the sack. I'm not scheduled past Sunday graveyard, so hopefully I get out there and get some more auditions.


Hurricane Flossie III

It's over, the house has been spared and no one has died. No mango trees fell and no roofs blew off. Ho hum. Final installment from our friend irishdarkness on utube. Look closely and you'll see how Pele, the fire goddess is able to crush Flossie as it approaches her home.


Hurricane Flossie II

Now downgraded to a Category 2, Flossie is expected to pass 100 miles south of the Big Island. There is still a chance that once it passes that it could veer to the north and hit Oahu. After some thought, that would of course be bad news, it could cause our mango tree to crash into the street and our roof, known for leaking in the past, could be further compromised, plus some other shit.


This is Sparta!


Assume that this is played at all the clubs in LV.This is Sparta!

Hurricane Flossie - Bring it on

Back in 1982, I remember spending the night by flashlight and waiting for Hurricane Iwa to pass over our house. When the morning came, our mighty mango trees were felled and part of our roof was damaged. A neighbor down the street burnt his house down and someone's roof blew off during the night.

The last hurricane to hit the island was Hurricane Iniki, in 1992. People died and tons of shit got destroyed. So that sucks ass. Hurricanes that come around Hawaii start in one of two places. Directly south near Kiribati or off the coast of Southern Mexico. Most of them seem to travel far to the south and miss the islands, the two that have caused the greatest damage followed the same path but then B-Lined at the last minute up towards Kauai. It's been before my time that a powerful hurricane approached from the direct east and made landfall with the Big Island.

Hurricane Flossie is approaching the Big Island and is expected to hit in the next thirty six hours. Originally expected to be downgraded to a Cat 1, it is not losing strength and is assumed to hit as a Cat 3. Insurance is paid for so I say let her rip. I wonder how much we could get in cold hard cash for catastrophic damage to the house??? "Yeah, we're going to use this to rebuild. . . - NOT" After all 85% of the value is in the land, so gl2HF.

Turn your speakers up!

Comments Enabled



Worldwide liquidity increased by $326B in last two days

What does this mean? Who the F**k knows.

But my guess is that when money is created out of thin air on a global scale, this is a significant factor to what causes inflation.
Today the fed printed and released $36Billion today, JUST LIKE THAT. Not since 9/14/01 has our own Fed created this much money in one day, and we know f***ing what happened that week. With a total money supply of blah blah blah and blah blah blah, this represents xxx% of xyz!

This, my friends is alarming. High gas prices, rising home prices, etc has nothing to do with this or that, it was to do with a steady dose of inflation over the last fifty years. What's this have to do with the crashing sub prime mortgage market...??? I obviously do not know. I'm just ranting and getting to my main point. It is time for you to get to know Ron Paul one more time.


Congressman Ron Paul at the First GOP Presidential Debate - California

Congressman Ron Paul at the Second GOP Presidential Debate - South Carolina

Congressman Ron Paul at the Third GOP Presidential Debate - New Hampshire

Congressman Ron Paul at the Fourth GOP Presidential Debate - Iowa

Peace Out.

Tiger Woods

All that is left is a fifteen foot left to right downhill putt. There have only been five birdies on the eighteenth hole all day, Tiger steps up, hits it two feet to the left, the ball B-lines towards the hole and starts to pick up pace, it looks dead center. With this putt, Tiger looks to be the first ever in Major Championship Golf history to shoot a 62.

Anyways, the putt horseshoes out and Tiger's left with a very pedestrian 63, which is now his personal best in a major. What a round, and I'm fortunate to of seen the last 7 holes. The putt below was a 35 foot 'sandie' which lead to a birdie birdie birdie, par par par finish.


Who Would You Choose? (Audition #3)

Today is Thursday, August 9, 2007, AKA day #70 in my pursuit of happyness. Five weeks ago, I set up an audition at the Flamingo for a dealer position at O'Sheas. So instead of going into a long thingamabob about how the freeway was backed up and time was running out.. I'll skip to the juice.

Floorman 'Leo' shares with us the bad news first, that there aren't any open positions at the moment, but he kinda qualifies it by saying that shit happens and IIWII so therefore one could open at any moment. OK, no big deal, I'm here to deal. Of the ten that were signed up, nine showed. The lineup consisted of one 'big daddy', a former semi-pro paint ball competitor classmate of mine 'B', two young sweet sexy wsop experienced ladies from Tampa 'YSSWSOP', a dude from Brazil, a Korean from LA (aren't all Koreans from LA?) and three SE AZN's. (BTW, I love all AZN's)

I'm #8, we deal 2-4 LHE with rake and side pots and all this jazz. In my unbiased opinion 'big daddy' shows his 4th generation AZN pedigree and crushes the audition, followed by 'YSSWSOP#1', then 'B' and then 'YSSWSOP#2'. So it all comes down to whether or not they have a preference towards hot young chicks with very nice bodies and good dealing skills or dudes with man boobs and superior dealing skills. Who would you pick?



When A Man Loves A Woman

Today at the homestead, Honey and Papasan put in some new items to increase the Feng-Shui in the house. It seemed a new energy flowed throughout the house and as a result Papasan fired up the ol' karaoke machine around 10pm. ZOMG! Not since June 1993, when I sang Puff the Magic Dragon at Grad Night, have I 'karaokied'.

Two hours later, plus one sore throat, we wrapped up an intense session of love songs, country westerns, and others. Dare I say
Ebony & Ivory
4x Bee Gees
Mamma Don't Let . .
Edelweiss Edelweiss
Unchained Melody
Mrs. Robinson
Bridge Over . . .
All Shook Up
3x Bread? wtf

plus tons of others, but rest assured we did not sing the above titled Michael Bolton song. It is official, I've added karaoke to the growing list of things I suck ass at.

How to Make Freedom Sushi & Freedom Tempura



Kramer goes apeshit

Not sure what he's saying, maybe someone can let me know. This is our first look at a liveleak video, fireworks start at 1:58. . .


Meerkat Manor

MM is one of the best reality shows of all time. Thanks to the miracle that is DVR, I was able to watch the first two seasons in its entirety. Season three starts Friday August 10th.


"What makes you say that???!!!!???"

Today was my seventh day working at Short Line Express Market / Sinclair's, and today I was kinda called a racist. I was finishing up a transaction, and this young black kid and an older black man were waiting behind, so after I'm done the young kid (~13) puts his 32oz drink on the counter and the old guy (65+) places his 24oz coffee on the counter next to it.

JB: "Is this together?"
65+: "What makes you say that???!!!!???"
JB: "har har"
Then it occurs to me that he is serious and it's not together so I reverse his coffee and charge the kid $1 for his drink.
JB: "Well, you placed your drink right next to his drink"
65+: (silence)

So this poor bastard has probably seen so much racism in his time that he is totally pissed and possibly seeks out situations where he can directly or indirectly call others racists, or at the very least allows himself to walk away and cuss at all these racist chinks, wetbacks, or honkeys. ZOMG!

Oh well, it bothered me for a little bit - I relayed the situation to my manager and some coworkers, the manager said that dude is never happy and he never smiles, the coworkers said that next time I point to the door and ask him to leave. So obviously my coworkers are morons.

Tip report, $28S, $98S, $5G, $0G, $25G, $5D, $5D (Swing, Graveyard or Day) .. so I took this job cuz 1. I needed money, and 2. I was told $80 or so a day in tips - which does not seem to be happening. So hopefully I pick up a dealer gig soon. My next scheduled audition is for O'Sheas on 8/9.. where they pick the top two of ten.

The Bronx is Burning

If you are a fan of baseball lore then you must watch this eight part miniseries airing NOW on espn. It chronicles the 1977 NYY season and the summer that was. You are four episodes behind now, but can quickly catch up commercial free using the abc dot com video player.

HairFlop turned me on to this, he grew up in NYC and remembers this season. Don't get me wrong, we all know the Yankees suck, but from a baseball fan standpoint, this definitely does not suck.


75,000 Bridges in US are 'structurally deficient'

They say it's going to cost upwards of $188B and a generation to fix all these aging bridges. Can we really continue policing the world and waging wars overseas? It's time for us to change our foreign policy and bring all the troops home now, save that money and invest in our own infrastructure. Blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

Whatchu know bout Blue Foot Chicken?

TTMB BFC. I just finished watching an episode of Iron Chef America and their main ingredient was this BFC. A True Blue American Uber Chicken that does not have salmonella and can be eaten sashimi style. This blogger recommends spending two minutes googling this bird and looking out for it next time you visit NYC. As they say from NYMAG, "they really taste like chicken."


Little People Big World

Before moving out here from SD, I filled my DVR with tons of episodes of Little People Big World. Thanks to TMZ.com, I found out that the father had a DUI recently. Peep that show if you get a chance.


Survived the weekend

Fri-Sun 10pm - 6am was my most recent work schedule at Sinclair's. I do feel like I survived and escaped with my life. My first two days of training I made $29 and $98 in tips, but graveyard sucks ass. $5, $0, $25. You know your life is semi-fucked when you are thankful to have $25.

Back to escaping with my life. I have a feeling that I will get shot if I continue to work there. Is it worth $7.50 plus the occasional tip? As I heard on talk radio, anyone getting paid $8 an hour definitely needs that $8, the same is with me as of this moment. So around 330am Monday, these two Russian guys come in. This elderly lady Jeanne (~75) that I work with comes over to me near the register and says watch these two, their relative tried to rob us last month and they are not allowed in the store.

WTF??, so before going into work that shift, I had premonitions of getting shot. So near 330am, I hear this from my coworker, I watch these two guys, and they are just loitering near the back, then one grabs a bag of bread, wtf??? bread, then heads over to the lunch meat.. wtf???, I notice the other looks up occasionally and stares at Jeanne then looks down. So anyways, they looked faded, the end up grabbing $27 worth of stuff, including a jar of pickes.. wtf?? When he grabs the jar I assume that he got it so while I'm scanning the bread he can throw it at me... wtf??? i think I'm losing my mind.

So as he reaches in his pocket i half expect to see a gun come out. But no, it's just cash. So after these fools leave, I ask her about the robbery, she said that this friend of theirs came in on swing shift (2-10pm) and tried to hold em up with a knife, this two fillipina chicks ran em out of the store and called the cops. Since the guy lived in the neighborhood he was picked up.

Back to reality, I have a feeling that if I get shot, it won't be trying to save this old broad, but it will be cowering in a corner screaming "DON'T SHOOT ME" wtf???



Zamunda & "creux"

Zamunda rolled into town this past week to stay at his timeshare. We tried to meet up Wednesday but it didn't happen. It was a combo of me being ten minutes late, having no phone and the buffet being closed that lead us to miss each other that day. With the help of my brother, I got my phone turned back on (at least until 8/9) and called Z up Thursday.

We met up Friday at Harrah's buffet and caught up on life. Me and Z met a few years back through pokerstars. First I met scotty47 and he intro'd me to Zamunda, HairFlop and AnyAce. We all met in person for the first time back in 2004 at Orleans Hotel and we played some poker tourneys that week. All these guys are professionals and married or engaged and have kids and poker is a hobby.

I'm not sure who named us, but our little online group called itself the creux. These guys have been there with me either on the virtual rail, or for online updates etc, for my biggest poker wins in my life and conversely the largest heart breaks. Years back, the five of us played tons and tons and tons. Poker wise, the creux does not exist anymore. Even though we don't really talk near as regular as we did, but with thousands of virtual hours spent together in the past, our friendship is strong.

Back to Z, he gave me some good advice which I may incorporate into some type of entry in the future. The gist is sell the house, get out of debt, no gambool for 1 year. It is always good to see a great friend out here in Vegas. Thanks Z!

Next week AnyAce and HairFlop roll into town with their sig others. I hope to meet up but with my wak sched, it may not happen.



Auditioned at Caesars Palace poker room Thursday night. Dealt two live hands of 3-6 LHE. I was toked $1 per hand. So I have now made $2 in my new career. Maybe in September I can get work. The weeks after the WSOP seems to be a pretty dead time.


Concierto de Aranjuez - Paco de Lucia

Originally composed by Joaquin Rodrigo from Spain, sunbear turned me on to Paco de Lucia a few years back. I've literally listened to his music for hundreds of hours since then and this has to be my all time favorite. The concerto comes in three movements . . .
Allegro con spirito


Allegro gentile

The Gambler + Yu-Gi-Oh

Paul Potts Part Deux

Ultimate Nessum Dorma