
Current Account Balance

During my daily Ron Paul Google (which includes youtube videos & news searches - SO DO IT RIGHT!) I came across the following wikipedia link which was in reference to the CIA's own "factbook".

If the price of gold continues to rise, the Desi's will be back in black before you know it.


Loonie Hits Parity

For the first time in thirty one years, the Canadian Dollar has hit parity with the American Dollar. The shit is going to hit the fan soon. Sell all your American Dollar based assets and buy gold or the Chilean Peso or Chinese Yuan.

Now I personally do not like Glenn Beck, but I saw this clip the other day and want to pass it on.


Ron Paul Sean Paul Remix

96 Hours Ago

I went to Flamingo for my call back. Seven of us total were there. I went third or fourth and didn't feel too great about my performance afterwards, meaning I didn't clearly separate myself from these fools. I could of been the top guy or second or third. One kid had experience working a little in Atlantic City, and this old guy the WSOP.

Which brings us to today, Leo said that if we receive a call Tuesday, he'll offer us the job, if we don't maybe more positions will open up in the future. More than half the day is gone, and no call - maybe this afternoon.

I worked graveyard last night, and usually I put my phone on airplane mode, but of course this time, I'm willing to wake up and see who's calling when they ring. Three calls all from collection agencies. But the point is, when it passed noon, I felt the anxiety of everyone else who did not get a call by then.



Call Back

Twice a day I clear my voice mail messages from the numerous bill collectors that feel like leaving me a daily message. But Leo from The Flamingo was on there the other day, he invited me to come back today at 1pm for a second look. A position opened up at O'Sheas and I'm in the running. Good Luck Me.

My guess is that they'll have me deal some Omaha H/L and Stud H/L or what not. The past few weeks I've been considering getting a job with my brown brothers and driving a taxi. Hopefully this goes well and I can get access to the EDR (Employee Dining Room).