
96 Hours Ago

I went to Flamingo for my call back. Seven of us total were there. I went third or fourth and didn't feel too great about my performance afterwards, meaning I didn't clearly separate myself from these fools. I could of been the top guy or second or third. One kid had experience working a little in Atlantic City, and this old guy the WSOP.

Which brings us to today, Leo said that if we receive a call Tuesday, he'll offer us the job, if we don't maybe more positions will open up in the future. More than half the day is gone, and no call - maybe this afternoon.

I worked graveyard last night, and usually I put my phone on airplane mode, but of course this time, I'm willing to wake up and see who's calling when they ring. Three calls all from collection agencies. But the point is, when it passed noon, I felt the anxiety of everyone else who did not get a call by then.



Anonymous said...

all hiring takes place in the afternoon once the boss has cleared his hangover from the previous night. make sure you keep waking up when that phone rings.

Unknown said...

I have my fingers crossed. If this doesn't pan out, then I am sure it is because of better opportunities in the future. Keep up the good work.