
Day 2 FOTD XVI - Lisa H. 38 SWF

Thursday's winding down and I take a RC up in Summerlin. When I locate the apartment, I see Lisa waiting with the door open on the second floor. I walk out to call her down and she needs help with some luggage. So I'm jazzed up because it is most likely an airport ride (~$50). I get up and she has a rubber storage tub and a large bag for me to take down. While up there she spills the beans about her boyfriend walking out on her the day before and how she's an alcoholic and she's flying to Orange County to go to rehab and she's moving all her shit out.

Long story short, she's medicated or drunk and moving real slow. I convince her to leave her plastic hangers behind and just take two purses full of crap and we're off. As we walk towards the cab she asks for an estimate, and I tell her maybe $50 which seems expensive to her, so she offers womanly services in exchange for the fare. I REPEAT SHE OFFERS TO SUCK ME DRY. But alas, I politely decline and turn the time off for her for our ride. Along the way she shares her preference for hapa-haoles, she tells me her age and I share my surprise declaring that for sure I thought I was older than her. She offers an undergarment of hers as a gift, I tell her I'd really like to see how she looks in them.

BUT, we're running out of time, she needs to get to rehab in the OC and start her new life over. Her dad has died from alcoholism and she does not want that to happen to her. She wants kids etc. She also went on to say that on Wednesday morning she woke up kicking her boyfriend in the back asking him where the rum was, he woke up and said "I can't take this shit anymore, I'm ghost" and that was the end of that. But he was an enabler, always bringing home the booze to his doped up sex-slave.

Fare $37.50, after dropping her off I did feel regret for not taking advantage of her most generous offer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make sure you keep some jimmie hats in your wallet for nex time.