
Almost Dead Puppy

Since I've started driving a taxi in Las Vegas, I reckon I've driven ~32,000 miles with 75% on the city streets (175/day * 7 mos * 26 days/mo). I have yet to see (knock on wood) a pedestrian get hit (I did see someone on a bike get 'nudged'), a car accident or an animal get run over. . . until today obviously.

First up at the left turn signal at the intersection of Desert Inn and La Canada. I see a cute little black puppy, no more than 6-8 weeks old off on the right of the street about 30 feet in front of me. He crosses my side of the lanes with no problem and makes it to the median. The oncoming traffic is very heavy and I'm kind of hoping that he'll just wait to cross until the traffic clears. BUT NO! He straight jumps out in front of the cars (and since he's so small, no one can see him) and a car in the first (of three) runs over the top of him but misses him.

He gets halfway through the second lane when he gets clipped and he hits the deck. Another car hits him but his head has not exploded yet... a few more cars go by and the traffic is clear and this darn puppy is str8 up F*cked. I can see blood and then he starts trying to move and he's half run over so he is not having much luck. Then my light turns green, for a split second I thought about driving against the traffic and popping his head for him but I had to pick up my ride. Not sure what happened but hopefully someone finished the job for him.

So Sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So So soft