
FOTD XXX - Emergency Room Pick Up

As you can probably imagine, a city the size of Las Vegas has quite a bit of activity at the local hospitals. Two previous pick ups that come to mind are this one guy who visited his daughters fiancee at the ER. This dude just got mugged in the parking garage at The Platinum Hotel. According to the guy, he was beat so bad they weren't sure he was going to make it yet.

The other is kind of sick. I picked up a blind older lady and her rather large bearded daughter. But the thing that makes this so bad ass is that this daughter (~40yrs) was only wearing a nightgown top, no bra, had a huge hole under the armpit, had holes in her socks.. but this chick had the largest breasts EVER! And through the hole in the shirt you could see some incredible side-boob. Even though she was bearded I found myself attracted to this woman's breasts. So sick, but I really wanted to get a closer look.

Which brings us to todays FOTD. He was my last ride of the day, and going in I kind of did him dirty to begin with. I took the radiocall while I was 3rd up at Caesars. My passengers get in and they want to go to the Hilton Grand on the strip (north of Circus & in the opposite direction of the call), as we're driving they ask if I'd be willing to wait while they get their luggage from the bellman, then take them to the airport ... so I agree cuz it'll keep the meter on and get me back in the direction of the ER.

While waiting for the luggage I call up my radiocall, and tell him that I'll be there in 15 minutes, knowing darn well it would be 30+ minutes before I could get there. He says that he's been waiting 45 minutes already, he's in a lot of pain and that he needs to go to the UMC (univeristy medical center) ER and get surgery done over there. So I drop these guys off and hustle over to the ER.

This guy gets in and we start talking. He's already been on a 15 month Tour in Afghanistan and is currently on break in the middle of his current 15 month Tour in Iraq. He is infantry so he's out there in the action. He downplays it a lot saying he's mainly doing humanitarian stuff and training the 'lazy ass' Iraqi troops.

So the problem he had was that he had some type of abscess near his lymph nodes (or in his neck) and it hurt bad. The UMC was one of two ER's in the city that had the doctors that specialize in draining the puss out of that shit. So anyway, this dude was a class act, and I made him wait for his pick up.

Side Boob Baby!


ashrager said...

welcome baby mofo. your words have been sorely missed.

T$100 chip, LOL!


Anonymous said...

awww...what a softy