
FOTD XXXVI - Triplets From Poland

Yes. It is true. Today I gave a ride to triplets from Poland. I haven't felt inspired recently to write these ... it takes something like this to "wake me up", something truly inspirational. With 15-25 fares a day, six days a week, each and every week ... all these fares kind of melt together and become a blur. NOT THIS ONE FRIENDS.

It's funny, I got the call to go out there, I called them up to confirm and see what their destination is, and 'Alexandra' answered and told me the airport. I tell em like 12 minutes, and get there in 15. When I arrive, I call again to have her come out and she doesn't answer. So I go knock on the door (which I rarely do) and the door opens and KApOw! A true knockout..Tall, racked, blonde, beautiful, I grab her bag and she follows me to the car, I put her bag in the trunk and she says two others are coming out also .. "We're triplets"

"WHAT????? REALLY?????"


And out they come. To keep it short and sweet, they're going to San Diego for a corporate gig.. they play the violin. We had plenty to talk about I guess, me being from SD and also liking the violin and as I put it ... "especially when triplets are playing the violin." But obviously they've heard it all. I knew immediately that for once, instead of writing FOTD's filled with hatred and rage I was going to bust it out ... so after a quick google search (triplets violin) I discovered the mysterious trio and am now ready to reveal their identity to the world via this blog... Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you for your viewing pleasure The Alizma Triplets.

On Carson Daly. . .

. . .And them singing their own remix song. . .

Scene from one of my favorite movies, "The Red Violin"

This is Kasper Weiss

Gypsy Scene

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they need some stunner shades on stage