
Goutastic Karma

I work with this Filipino guy Ian, I mention Filipino because they, like fat hapa's, are prone to gout. When I was working a double shift last weekend (due to him calling in sick), he came hobbling in complaining about how much it hurts and yada yada yada. So when he's down and can't work, I get some of his shifts. I asked him what he was taking and he said 500mg Ibuprofen, which even the NEO-CONS know, does not work for gout. His father also has it, and that's what he takes.

Tuesday, I rolled by work to get my free thirty-two oz drink and half price chicken wings, and I brought with me some of the indomethacin that was given to me by an former coworker of mine who was prescribed that in error. Whenever I feel it coming on, I pop a few pills and it goes away. Sure, I could change my eating habits, but why would I want to do that.

Tonight I did a follow up call to see if he was working... and sure as shit, he was working. He wanted to get his hand on more pills (why wouldn't he) and since I gave him only seven, he's JONEZING for what I got. The pills I have left are definitely 'my stash' and I do not like to give them up to easily, but I had some to spare.

By medicating him I cost myself at least eight OT hours, was it worth it, NO but I've seen first hand what my karma is like (see possible future posts) so since then I've tried to do what I can to help.

*Pic is James Gillray's The Gout (but of course it is)

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