
"What makes you say that???!!!!???"

Today was my seventh day working at Short Line Express Market / Sinclair's, and today I was kinda called a racist. I was finishing up a transaction, and this young black kid and an older black man were waiting behind, so after I'm done the young kid (~13) puts his 32oz drink on the counter and the old guy (65+) places his 24oz coffee on the counter next to it.

JB: "Is this together?"
65+: "What makes you say that???!!!!???"
JB: "har har"
Then it occurs to me that he is serious and it's not together so I reverse his coffee and charge the kid $1 for his drink.
JB: "Well, you placed your drink right next to his drink"
65+: (silence)

So this poor bastard has probably seen so much racism in his time that he is totally pissed and possibly seeks out situations where he can directly or indirectly call others racists, or at the very least allows himself to walk away and cuss at all these racist chinks, wetbacks, or honkeys. ZOMG!

Oh well, it bothered me for a little bit - I relayed the situation to my manager and some coworkers, the manager said that dude is never happy and he never smiles, the coworkers said that next time I point to the door and ask him to leave. So obviously my coworkers are morons.

Tip report, $28S, $98S, $5G, $0G, $25G, $5D, $5D (Swing, Graveyard or Day) .. so I took this job cuz 1. I needed money, and 2. I was told $80 or so a day in tips - which does not seem to be happening. So hopefully I pick up a dealer gig soon. My next scheduled audition is for O'Sheas on 8/9.. where they pick the top two of ten.

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