
Zeitgeist, The Movie

Smashing Pumpkins recently released an album with the same title. I'm watching it now and it's almost two hours long. It took me many weeks to finally sit down and watch it, and I've started it at least two other times. BUT OMG IT IS NECESSARY FOR EVERY ONE TO WATCH IT. Unless it just don't matter. It goes into religion, 9/11, and the federal reserve. I recommend just skipping to the third part for that is the least offensive.


The last third details our reasons for involvement in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I, and this current Gulf War. It is really eye opening and hard to dispute. Bottom line is that there is too much money to be made and too many personal liberties to surrender for this country to ever stop going to war.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Crazy Shiznit! This should be those chain letters people receive all the time. I just want to know, what can I do?