
Easily Influenced

You know I find that I am easily influenced. Specifically regarding this Michael Vick case that's going on. I for one have always been a Vick fan, and have arranged my fantasy football teams around him to somewhat mixed success.

Initially I was pretty disgusted with his crime, but at this point, after listening to some opinions on the news, I could care less. There are too many people serving hard time for drug possession, and less time for worse crimes against humans. They are just dogs after all. I like dogs and consider myself a dog person however they are here to serve our emotional needs.

Seriously, who hasn't ripped heads of pigeons, or microwaved cats, drowned rats, fed tainted meat to animals at the zoo, stepped on baby pandas or molested meerkats.

Just a quick edit, it's not like these are my dogs or your dogs or our friends dogs ;O

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