

I'm staging at The Hilton, on one of my regular days (5-5 or 6-6). I'm 3rd up in line when this random car parks in front of the taxi loading zone. This short, petite older woman gets out and talks to the taxi whistle guy (TWG) and goes back to her car. Two cabs get called up to load passengers and I'm on the nut and quickly get called up. I pull up and am told by the TWG that I am to follow her home and then take them to the airport.

We load the taxi up and her husband gets into the front seat. He's late 60's early 70's and very French. After some conversation I find out they live in Southern France and Las Vegas and alternate between the two year round. He's a great older gentleman and have a great time talking with him. Between the years 1978-1983 he was the head chef at The Las Vegas Hilton and that's the reason they went there to get a cab.

It was a long ride and we talk throughout it. We pick up his wife and she is still very much a beauty. We get to the airport, the meter reads $30 or so and I unload their luggage on the curb. He gets a copy of his cookbook and offers to sign it which I gladly agree to and accept. Yves Menes was and is and will always be a balla and as ballas do gave me $60 for the ride as well as a signed cookbook which reads

"To Geremy

I thank you to drive us to the airport


Yves Menes"


Anonymous said...

not worth mentioning unless it's Gordon Ramsay.

Anonymous said...

good luck trying your hand at french cuisine. personally, i just stick to the wine

Anonymous said...

That's a big booya. Although, I'd like more stripper/porn star stories

Anonymous said...

I knew Yves way back at French Cafe in Omaha, Nebraska. He taught me his sauces one Sunday, locking the restaurant and showing me his secrets. A great chef. I still make a couple of his sauces.